الاثنين، 19 يونيو 2017

ابتهالات الشيخ عبداللطيف العزب وهدان كفر طنبول الجديد يوم تكريم حفظة كتا...

ابتهالات الشيخ عبداللطيف العزب وهدان كفر طنبول الجديد يوم تكريم حفظة كتا...

ابتهالات الشيخ عبداللطيف العزب وهدان كفر طنبول الجديد يوم تكريم حفظة كتا...

صلاة العشاء والتراويح كفر طنبول الجديد يوم تكريم حفظة كتاب الله

كفر طنبول الجديد تكريم حفظة القرآن الكريم تحت رعاية رابطة شباب القرية

الجمعة، 9 يونيو 2017


مخطط انسيابي: محطة طرفية: The Present Simple Tense

Formation :
                 I  - we  - you  - they  - plural nouns           infinitive ( base form)  المصدر  
                   He   - she  - it   - singular nouns                 infinitive + s
Birds fly high .                                                  They play football at noon .
A bird flies high                                                 He plays football at noon .
 The sun rises in the east .                                   Stars radiate light . 

**إذا انتهى الفعل بحرف s-sh-ch-x-o   نضيف  es
Passes -   crosses -    watches -  reaches -   washes -   fixes-   mixes – goes – does

**أما إذا انتهى الفعل بحرف y   مسبوقة بحرف ساكن  نحذفها ونضيف ies  
Study          studies              carry           carries                   marry              marries
            أما إذا انتهى الفعل بحرف y   مسبوقة بحرف متحرك نضيف  s    فقط
Plays                      stays                    delays                  enjoys

Uses : استخدامه
 1-To express habits and routine actions .العادات والأحداث الروتينية المتكررة            
I go to school everyday .
He gets up at 7:00 o’clock .
Mona spends the Summer in Alexandria .
2- to express facts  الحقائق      
The earth orbits the sun .
Sugar dissolves in water .
It gets hot in summer .
يستخدم المضارع البسيط بعد الكلمات : when-until-till-if-unless     ليعبر عن المستقبل
I shall stay until he gets back .
When he arrives , I’ll tell him about it .
Key words :
                      Every + time         day  - week -  month -  year – summer –winter
توضع الكلمات الآتية قبل الفعل الأساسي وبعد v. to be (am  - is  -  are )
Always دائما   - usually  عادة   - sometimes أحيانا   - often  غالبا   -rarely   =scarcely  نادرا  Frequently مرارا  - ever ….? هل سبق أن -  never    مطلقا أبدا

شكل بيضاوي: Negation : النفي

                   I   -We   -  You   - They - plural                      do not + infinitive  المصدر   
                  He   -  She   -  It  - singular                               does not + infinitive
I speak English well .                           I do not speak English well .    
My friend swims very fast .                  My friend does not swim very fast .
عند استخدام كلمة never   في النفي  لا نغير الفعل بعدها
I always do my homework at night .                       I never do my homework at night . 
She usually comes late .                                           She never  comes late .
شكل بيضاوي: Questions :السؤال 

My friend is always in a hurry .                                My friend is never  in a hurry .                                            

عند السؤال نستخدم  do-does   كفعل مساعد  لبدء السؤال أو بعد كلمة الاستفهام
 I work in Cairo .
·       Do you work in Cairo ?
·       Where do you work ?
The doctor examines patients .
           *Does the doctor examines patients ?
           *Who does the doctor examine ?
           *Who examines patients ?
correct the following verbs :
1-A horse  (have) four legs .                    
2-When the sun (shine) , we feel warm .       ………………………………………
3-I shall wait until he ( come ).                      ………………………………………
4-She ( visit ) her uncle every week .            ………………………………………
5- Butchers (sell )meat .                                 ………………………………………
6- Cats ( eat ) mice .                                      ………………………………………
7-what she (do )in the evening ? She usually (study ) her lessons or listens to music .
8- You always( write) with your left hand .
9- He always (say) that he will mend the window but he never ( do ) it .
10- Mary usually (learn ) languages very quickly but she (not seem ) able to learn French .
He always (borrow )from me and never( remember) to pay back .
B: Put the following verbs in negative and interrogativeالاستفهام  
1- He teaches English .                         ……………………………………………
2-They speak a little English .               ……………………………………………
3-He works at a workshop .                  ……………………………………………
4-The men drive very fast .                   …………………………………………
5-It costs a lot of money.                       ……………………………………………
Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- He plays football in the club .     (usually)………………………………………
2-He is clever.                                  (always)………………………………………
3-He plays football well .                    ( no)…………………………………………
4-He is doing homework now .          ( usually) …………………………………
5-they go to school everyday .            (He )    ……………………………………
6-He studies everyday .                       ( Does )……………………………………
7-Hany does not do his homework.     (never)……………………………………
8-He usually plays football .                (Every Friday) ……………………………
9- the director never comes late .          ( is )           …………………………………
10- My friends study their lessons .     ( My friend)……………………………………
Choose the correct answer from a , b , c , or d :
1- I ……………..TV for two hours everyday .
a- watched               b- am watching              c- have watched           d- watch
2-I won’t leave until he ……………….  .
a-come                      b- came                  comes                   d- has come
3-What time ………….you usually have lunch ?
a-did                         b-do                        c- are                      d- will
4-My father ………….goes to bed early .
a- doesn’t                  b- didn’t                 c- never                  d-isn’t
5-……………..you ever get up late ?
a- Do                         b-Are                     c-Have                    d- Did
6-We always …………….to save energy .
7- We will work until you …………back  .
a-come                  b- came                 c- comes                   d- has come
8-He generally………….to my office .
a- a-come              b- came                  c-comes                   d- has come
9- They’ll return to Cairo after the conference ……………………. .
a- finish                 b- finishes              c- has finished           d-  will finish
10-She ……………. Her husband’s birthday .
a-is not forgotten        b- isn’t always forgotten       c- never forgets
11-When he…………. , he will stay with us .
a- will come          b- came                  comes                   d- has come
12- He …………..late for work .
a- usually is          b- does usually          c- has usually       d- is usually
14- Where ………. He live ?
a- does                  b- did                        c-has                  d- is
15- I’ll go to bed as soon as I …………….my homework .
a-finish                 b- finished                   c- has finished              d- will finish
16-They (have, had) plenty of time to get the work (do- did-  done(
17-We (go, gone, went) out in the rain and (get- got) very wet.
18- I wish I (am, were) a famous writer.
19-When I (be, was, were) young, I (go-  went-had gone(  to bed early.

مخطط انسيابي: محطة طرفية: The Past Simple Tense 

  يستخدم الماضي البسيط للتعبير عن فعل حدث في الماضي .
Formation :
                  1-   Verb+ed ( regular verbs )   الأفعال غير الشاذة

watched        visited         started          helped         cleaned          cooked

lived          received       smiled         believed                 liked       

studied        carried         married           denied                 tried                           
2-The second form ( regular  verbs)التصريف الثاني  

 go-----    went            see -----saw          fly ------flew         

  buy --- -bought          catch ----caught           choose -------chose

Key words علاماته
   الماضي  Last+ time ---------week—month –year ---summer ---winter  
Yesterday     أمس  --ago             منذ    -in the past-   في الماضي once  ذات مرة
My friend flew to London two month ago .
They built the house four years ago .
Ali sent me a letter last week .
I gave him my book last night .
Cavemen felt safer in caves .
Yesterday , T.V. announced Diana’s engagement .
Shakespeare lived in the 16th century .
   Did not + infinitiveعند النفي: نستخدم 
Cavemen did not have furniture .
My father did not mend the bike yesterday .
I did not write a letter last week .
Last month ,he didn’t fly to Paris .
                                            Questions .
  Did Youssef write to his friend last week  ?                                 
No ,he didn’t .
Did she make that cake herself  ? .                                    
Yes, she  did  .
When did Islam reach China  ?                                         
It reached after ----------
When did the patient feel all the pain  ?                            
H e felt it  yesterday
Some one +used to + infinitive
تعبر عن حدث كان يحدث في الماضي و لكنه توقف عن الحدوث الآن
I used to smoke  cigarettes but now I don’t .
In the past , People used to travel by camels .
We didn’t use to play computer games .                       did not  + use to + infinitive
Someone +be used to + verb + ing
تعبر عن حدث معتاد على فعله الآن
I am used to going to bed late .
They are used to playing football on Fridays .


مخطط انسيابي: محطة طرفية: The Present Simple Tense

Formation :
                 I  - we  - you  - they  - plural nouns           infinitive ( base form)  المصدر  
                   He   - she  - it   - singular nouns                 infinitive + s
Birds fly high .                                                  They play football at noon .
A bird flies high                                                 He plays football at noon .
 The sun rises in the east .                                   Stars radiate light . 

**إذا انتهى الفعل بحرف s-sh-ch-x-o   نضيف  es
Passes -   crosses -    watches -  reaches -   washes -   fixes-   mixes – goes – does

**أما إذا انتهى الفعل بحرف y   مسبوقة بحرف ساكن  نحذفها ونضيف ies  
Study          studies              carry           carries                   marry              marries
            أما إذا انتهى الفعل بحرف y   مسبوقة بحرف متحرك نضيف  s    فقط
Plays                      stays                    delays                  enjoys

Uses : استخدامه
 1-To express habits and routine actions .العادات والأحداث الروتينية المتكررة            
I go to school everyday .
He gets up at 7:00 o’clock .
Mona spends the Summer in Alexandria .
2- to express facts  الحقائق      
The earth orbits the sun .
Sugar dissolves in water .
It gets hot in summer .
يستخدم المضارع البسيط بعد الكلمات : when-until-till-if-unless     ليعبر عن المستقبل
I shall stay until he gets back .
When he arrives , I’ll tell him about it .
Key words :
                      Every + time         day  - week -  month -  year – summer –winter
توضع الكلمات الآتية قبل الفعل الأساسي وبعد v. to be (am  - is  -  are )
Always دائما   - usually  عادة   - sometimes أحيانا   - often  غالبا   -rarely   =scarcely  نادرا  Frequently مرارا  - ever ….? هل سبق أن -  never    مطلقا أبدا

شكل بيضاوي: Negation : النفي

                   I   -We   -  You   - They - plural                      do not + infinitive  المصدر   
                  He   -  She   -  It  - singular                               does not + infinitive
I speak English well .                           I do not speak English well .    
My friend swims very fast .                  My friend does not swim very fast .
عند استخدام كلمة never   في النفي  لا نغير الفعل بعدها
I always do my homework at night .                       I never do my homework at night . 
She usually comes late .                                           She never  comes late .
شكل بيضاوي: Questions :السؤال 

My friend is always in a hurry .                                My friend is never  in a hurry .                                            

عند السؤال نستخدم  do-does   كفعل مساعد  لبدء السؤال أو بعد كلمة الاستفهام
 I work in Cairo .
·       Do you work in Cairo ?
·       Where do you work ?
The doctor examines patients .
           *Does the doctor examines patients ?
           *Who does the doctor examine ?
           *Who examines patients ?
correct the following verbs :
1-A horse  (have) four legs .                    
2-When the sun (shine) , we feel warm .       ………………………………………
3-I shall wait until he ( come ).                      ………………………………………
4-She ( visit ) her uncle every week .            ………………………………………
5- Butchers (sell )meat .                                 ………………………………………
6- Cats ( eat ) mice .                                      ………………………………………
7-what she (do )in the evening ? She usually (study ) her lessons or listens to music .
8- You always( write) with your left hand .
9- He always (say) that he will mend the window but he never ( do ) it .
10- Mary usually (learn ) languages very quickly but she (not seem ) able to learn French .
He always (borrow )from me and never( remember) to pay back .
B: Put the following verbs in negative and interrogativeالاستفهام  
1- He teaches English .                         ……………………………………………
2-They speak a little English .               ……………………………………………
3-He works at a workshop .                  ……………………………………………
4-The men drive very fast .                   …………………………………………
5-It costs a lot of money.                       ……………………………………………
Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- He plays football in the club .     (usually)………………………………………
2-He is clever.                                  (always)………………………………………
3-He plays football well .                    ( no)…………………………………………
4-He is doing homework now .          ( usually) …………………………………
5-they go to school everyday .            (He )    ……………………………………
6-He studies everyday .                       ( Does )……………………………………
7-Hany does not do his homework.     (never)……………………………………
8-He usually plays football .                (Every Friday) ……………………………
9- the director never comes late .          ( is )           …………………………………
10- My friends study their lessons .     ( My friend)……………………………………
Choose the correct answer from a , b , c , or d :
1- I ……………..TV for two hours everyday .
a- watched               b- am watching              c- have watched           d- watch
2-I won’t leave until he ……………….  .
a-come                      b- came                  comes                   d- has come
3-What time ………….you usually have lunch ?
a-did                         b-do                        c- are                      d- will
4-My father ………….goes to bed early .
a- doesn’t                  b- didn’t                 c- never                  d-isn’t
5-……………..you ever get up late ?
a- Do                         b-Are                     c-Have                    d- Did
6-We always …………….to save energy .
7- We will work until you …………back  .
a-come                  b- came                 c- comes                   d- has come
8-He generally………….to my office .
a- a-come              b- came                  c-comes                   d- has come
9- They’ll return to Cairo after the conference ……………………. .
a- finish                 b- finishes              c- has finished           d-  will finish
10-She ……………. Her husband’s birthday .
a-is not forgotten        b- isn’t always forgotten       c- never forgets
11-When he…………. , he will stay with us .
a- will come          b- came                  comes                   d- has come
12- He …………..late for work .
a- usually is          b- does usually          c- has usually       d- is usually
14- Where ………. He live ?
a- does                  b- did                        c-has                  d- is
15- I’ll go to bed as soon as I …………….my homework .
a-finish                 b- finished                   c- has finished              d- will finish
16-They (have, had) plenty of time to get the work (do- did-  done(
17-We (go, gone, went) out in the rain and (get- got) very wet.
18- I wish I (am, were) a famous writer.
19-When I (be, was, were) young, I (go-  went-had gone(  to bed early.

مخطط انسيابي: محطة طرفية: The Past Simple Tense 

  يستخدم الماضي البسيط للتعبير عن فعل حدث في الماضي .
Formation :
                  1-   Verb+ed ( regular verbs )   الأفعال غير الشاذة

watched        visited         started          helped         cleaned          cooked

lived          received       smiled         believed                 liked       

studied        carried         married           denied                 tried                           
2-The second form ( regular  verbs)التصريف الثاني  

 go-----    went            see -----saw          fly ------flew         

  buy --- -bought          catch ----caught           choose -------chose

Key words علاماته
   الماضي  Last+ time ---------week—month –year ---summer ---winter  
Yesterday     أمس  --ago             منذ    -in the past-   في الماضي once  ذات مرة
My friend flew to London two month ago .
They built the house four years ago .
Ali sent me a letter last week .
I gave him my book last night .
Cavemen felt safer in caves .
Yesterday , T.V. announced Diana’s engagement .
Shakespeare lived in the 16th century .
   Did not + infinitiveعند النفي: نستخدم 
Cavemen did not have furniture .
My father did not mend the bike yesterday .
I did not write a letter last week .
Last month ,he didn’t fly to Paris .
                                            Questions .
  Did Youssef write to his friend last week  ?                                 
No ,he didn’t .
Did she make that cake herself  ? .                                    
Yes, she  did  .
When did Islam reach China  ?                                         
It reached after ----------
When did the patient feel all the pain  ?                            
H e felt it  yesterday
Some one +used to + infinitive
تعبر عن حدث كان يحدث في الماضي و لكنه توقف عن الحدوث الآن
I used to smoke  cigarettes but now I don’t .
In the past , People used to travel by camels .
We didn’t use to play computer games .                       did not  + use to + infinitive
Someone +be used to + verb + ing
تعبر عن حدث معتاد على فعله الآن
I am used to going to bed late .
They are used to playing football on Fridays .
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :
1- I (visited- visit - was visiting -would visit  )my aunt a week ago .
2- The party (starts- was starting- started- would start   )at 8 o’clock last night .
3- When (do- did- will- would finish  )you finish writing the report ? Only yesterday .
4- When I was on holiday , I (used to play- am using to play- uses to play  )tennis .
5- they (didn’t - don’t- aren’t  -haven’t  )attend the conference last month .
Correct the verbs in brackets :
1-I (go) to the zoo a week ago.             
2. Early man (have) advantages  over animals.
3. The Ancient Egyptians (marry) their sisters. 
4. He (visit) us yesterday and (stay) for lunch.
5. He (write) his composition yesterday and (make) many mistakes.
6. Last summer I (swim) in the sea twice a day when I was  at Alexandria.
7- When I (meet) him last night, I (not remember)his name
8-He (be) a good football player once.
9-Suppose you (have) an aero plane, what would you do with it?
10-He wishes that money (grow) on trees.
11-They (get back )very late last night .   
12-Yesterday , the police ( catch ) the thief .
13-He (not fly ) to London last month .   
 14-I ( see ) a very strange accident yesterday .
15-Once there ( be) a volcano here .       
16-I (have ) a shower two hours ago .
17-He ( ring ) me up just now .                
18-(Be ) you with them yesterday ?
19-I (not used to ) stay in hotels .            
20-We (use to ) play hide and seek .
Ask a question:
 The book describes accidents for doctors …………………………………………?
The boy cleaned the board with an eraser . ………………………………………..?
Samy used  a non – slip mat  in the bath .  ………………………………………...?
Majed asked Jamal about the library .       …………………………………………?         
 The stories were rewritten in easy English .  ……………………………………...?  
The interview took place in Jeddah .           ………………………………………..?        
Shakespeare wrote five plays .                     ……………………………………….?       
Yes , they helped the old man .                     ………………………………………?       
No , Ali did not say the truth .                       ………………………………………?       

Yes , they flew to London .                           ………………………………………?

Yes , we phoned him yesterday   .                ………………………………………?
C: Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets to give the same meaning:
1-I haven’t written to him for a week .        (ago) …………………………………
2-I have lived in Tanta for twenty years.    (ago) …………………………………
3-It I two hours since I watched the film .  (ago) …………………………………
4-I haven’t seen him for a month .              (ago) …………………………………
5-I do not write my homework .                 (did not )………………………………
6-She cleans the house everyday.      (yesterday)……………………………………
7-When I was young , I lived by the sea .   (used to )………………………………
8-I got lost so I asked the policeman about the way .    (When)……………………
9-She was a teacher but now she is a nurse .  ( used to )……………………………
10- when did you get your diploma . ( how long ) ………………………………?
Make the following negative and interrogative :
1-he dried his hands .                               2-The artist drew a picture .
3- they lit fire to feel warm .                    4- I swam in the canal two hours ago .
5- they worked hard .                               6-she understood the lesson .
7- they had a good meal .                       8- The book was rewritten in easy English .
9- We were in Canada last month .           10-they studied hard .

مخطط انسيابي: محطة طرفية: The Present continuousor progressive Tense

                    Is              + verb + ing
                   Are                                    now       
past ____________________________________ future
I am reading English now .
They are playing football  at the moment .
At present he is mending his bike
Look! She is swimming .
Listen ! they are singing .
Key words :-
               Now = at the moment = at present  الآن / في الوقت الحالي
               Look ! انظر      /  listen ! أنصت
Uses :-
1- يستخدم للدلالة على فعل يحدث الآن :- I am doing my homework now .                              
2- يستعمل للتعبير عن المستقبل المخطط لحدوثه :I am flying to London tomorrow morning .      3- يستخدم للدلالة على أحداث تتكررAli is giving the teacher a lot of trouble .                        
Negation :-
ينفى المضارع المستمر بوضع كلمة not  بعد am/is/are
They are not playing football now
She is not cleaning the house .She is cooking lunch .
We are not watching TV .we are writing homework .
Correct the following verbs
1-Now he (build) a villa at Jeddah.
2-My friend (tell) me in his letter that he (work) hard for his final examination.
3-The sun always (set) in the west. Look ! It (set) now.
4-I usually (drink) coffee in the afternoon, but I (drink) tea now.
5-This man (speak) French well, but at this moment he  )speak) English.
6- What you (do) now ?     
7-He (play) now because he (have) no work to do.
8-Look ! Smoke (come) out of that window. There (be) something on fire.
9-Listen ! They (cry) for help.
10-Look ! A man (run) after the tram. He (want) to catch it.
Choose the correct words from those between brackets :
1-I (go, went, am going) to the cinema tonight.
2-Look ! The boy (beat, is beating, beats) the donkey.
3-Your mother (wait, waits, is waiting, will wait) for you at this moment.
4-At the present moment all the pupils (are sitting, sit, will sit) quietly because their teacher (speaks, spoke,is speaking) .
5-My brother (speak, speaks, spoke) four foreign languages. Now he (learn, learns, is learning) a fifth.


مخطط انسيابي: محطة طرفية: The Present perfect Tense

Formation :
                          Have  - has + P.P.
I                                                                      He                                                               
We                                                                  She                                has
You                        have                                 It
They                                                               singular    

Meaning :
                   To express an action began in the past and finished    .
                    Past                          now                                  future
I have packed my suites.
He has written the letter.
My friends have already prepared lunch.

                  منذ     وقت   قصير               انتهى            الماضي            بدأ       حدث         

2-To express an action began in the past and finished a very short time ago .   
                Past                                  now                                  future    
I have just eaten my lunch .
He has just arrived home .
Key words :
                   already بالطبع   -  just  توا   - yet  حتى الآن   - lately مؤخرا  – recently حديثا
                       since  منذ   -for  لمدةever never
شكل بيضاوي: alreadyy1- already
تأتي في الوسط بين have                         written       أو في نهاية الجملة
They have already painted the room .
They have painted the room already .
2- just

شكل بيضاوي: just
تأتي في الوسط بين have                         written       
He has just gone out .
We have just written homework.
She has just cooked the food .
3-recently/ lately
تأتي في نهاية الجملة
He has made many kites recently .
We have visited Samy recently .
تأتي في نهاية الجملة الخبرية المنفية  
I haven’t studied the lesson yet .
We haven’t seen the new car yet
5-ever &never
تستخدم     ever في السؤال قبل past participle   Have you ever been to London ?              
وللإجابة المنفية نحذف ever   ونضع never   بدلا منها    No, I have never been to London .     
6- since
إذا جاءت كحرف جر دال على الزمان تأتي في نهاية الجملة و قبلها بداية وقت حدوث الفعل :
                                     السنة                الشهر              الأسبوع        اليوم              جزء اليوم                             Part of a day  -    day        -  week       -    month         - year                                        
I have not seen him since 2000  .
He has gone out since the early morning .
They have started building since last month .
أما إذا جاءت كرابط بين جملتين :
   Since                  past simple                    present perfect
Since he travelled , he has sent three letters .
Since he started work , he has drawn two walls .

  present perfect                     Since                       past simple
he has sent three letters Since he travelled .
he has drawn two walls Since he started work..
we have studied five lessons since we began studying .

الفرق بين since for
             منذ Since + time ( 2:00 – yesterday – last week – Rajab –  October – 1420 )
 لمدة   For + period of time ( 2 + hours – days  - weeks – months – years )
B- choose : since     or       for :
1- He has been studying Physics ……………. Three month .
2-She has been a nurse ………………….  1980 .
3- Mr. Al-Badr has been building roads ………………twenty years .
4- I have been working here ………………….last year .
5- Ali has been making model airplanes ………………..November .
6- They have been touring Egypt ………………………two weeks .
7- You have not used this passport …………………. April 30, 1987 .   
ملاحظات على استخدام المضارع التام :
1-    إذا طلب استخدام since  في جملة بها last + past simple
S . + Have/has + not + P.P. +since + past simple   /  time 
I last ate fish when I was in Alexandria .                                ( since  )
              I haven’t eaten fish since I was in Alexandria .
I last saw him when I was in Alexandria .                                 ( since  )               
             I haven’t seen him since I was in Alexandria .
I last studied English 2 hours ago .                                          ( since  )
It is two hours since I studied English .
I last saw him two month ago .                                                  ( since  ) 
            It is two month since I saw him .
إذا طلب منك استخدام   ago بدلا من  for  نستخدم began to  قبل الفعل
He has learned English for six years .
He began to study English six years ago .
إذا طلب منك استخدام for   بدلا من since   في جملة تحتوي على last week/month/year ..
نضيف كلمةthe  قبل last  فتصبح the last...
I haven’t met him since last month .
                     I haven’t seen him for the last month .
He has worked here since last week .
                      He has worked here for the last week .
He has lived here since 1990 .
He has lived here for the lat 31 years .
إما إذا طلب منك استخدام since /for  في جملة تبدأ بـ the last time ... ...
فإننا نحذف the last time ... ...و نضع فعل الجملة في المضارع التام 
The last time he came to Egypt was in 1990 .               ( since  )
He hasn’t come to Egypt since 1990 .
He hasn’t come to Egypt for 14 years .

How long have you been learning English ?                   (how long ago )
      How long ago did you start studying English .

The present perfect continuous tenseالمضارع التام المستمر
يعبر عن حدث بدا في الماضي و استمر حتى الآن و سوف يستمر إلى ما بعد الآن
                   Past                                                                           future
         I –You  - We -  They               have    + been      + verb + ing
         He  - She  -  It                          has    + been      + verb + ing
*I have been studying English for three hours   ما زال                          سوف يستمر   
                                                                  ( I am still studying and will continue  )
*They have been playing since 5 o’clock .    
We have been learning E. at school for 5 years .
* Ali has been sleeping since 2 o’clock . 
Key words :_
           منذ  Since + time ( 2:00 – yesterday – last week – Rajab –  October – 1420 )                  لمدة   For + period of time ( 2 + hours – days  - weeks – months – years )
يستخدم المضارع التام المستمر مع الأفعال التي تستغرق وقت طويل :
Work- wait – travel – live – sleep – read – stay – mend
He has been sleeping for three hours .
We have been waiting since the early morning .
They have been working in Saudi Arabia for ten years .
لا يستخدم المضارع المستمر مع الأفعال الآتية :
1-    أفعال الشعور و الحواس : see- hear- smell- notice  
2-  أفعال التفكير verbs of thinking: think , feel, realize , know , understand , mean , suppose , believe , remember , forget trust , mind                                                3- أفعال العاطفة      verbs of emotion  : want, desire ,refuse , forgive , wish , care , love , hate , like , dislike                                                                                  
    -أفعال التملك:                                                                       own , possess, owe , belong 
key words :   
                   since   - for   / all + time ( all day – all the time – all this month )
A- Choose the correct answer from a. b. c or d:
1-He ( wasn’t – hasn’t – isn’t – hadn’t ) done his homework yet .
2-He ( has just taken – is just taken had just taken was just taken ) the prize .
3- It ( rained had rained–has been raining–has been rained ) all day .it hasn’t stopped .
4- How long ( have you worked – have you been working – had you worked – did you  work ) ? When will you finish ?
5-He has been playing tennis ( since ago – for ) an hour .
6- I (didn’t use – hasn’t used – haven’t used – don’t use   ) my pen since yesterday
7- Where ( were you – have you been –had you been–will you be) since the bell rang
8- I have lived in that house since I ( was–had been – am – will be ) a child .
9- They have been in London since they (get married–have got married–got married That servant (has worked–has been working–worked–work)for me for two years now
11- We ( tried – have tried – have been trying – are trying ) to solve the problem for two hours now .
12- I ( have learned – had been learning – learned – have been learning ) to drive for a month and I’m still learning it .
13- The child ( slept – has slept – has been sleeping – is sleeping ) for ten years now.
14- What has happened to him ( for – ago – since ) this morning .
15- It hasn’t rained in that country ( for – since ago – when ) five month .
16- My father has got out ( for – ago – since ) two o’clock .
17- The school ( offer ) English courses for ten years and it still offering up till now .                     
18- Some students ( learn ) here for five years and they still doing that ..                              
19-Many schools ( teach ) English for over 30 years and they have not stopped  .                         
20-I (have been working  - am working  - worked  ) here since 1414 H
21-They (built- have been building -are building ) that house since last Ramadan .
22-She (made –is making  -has been making  ) cakes since the morning .
23-The clock (just rang, has just rung, just has rung) ten.
24-I (was living, lived, have lived) here since 1950.
25- I (have not seen, did not see, saw) you since three days last week
26-They (lived, are living, have lived) in this house for (ten years, last December, a long time ago .   (
27-I (read, have read, am reading) a new story yesterday.
28-I (have eaten, ate, am eating) nothing since I (leave, left, have left) the hospital.
29-She (did not finish, has not finished, does not finish) her work yet.
Rewrite using the words in brackets :
1-I haven’t seen him for two years .                                                ( since )
2-I haven’t met my cousin for two weeks .                                     ( since )
3-He has been waiting for three hours . It is four o’clock now .    ( since )
4-I last visited him in November .                                                   ( since )
5-I last went abroad five years ago   .                                              ( since ) 
6- I haven’t visited him since last week .                                         (  for ) 
7- They have stayed here since last month .                                     ( for   )
8- I have been working here since 2001 .                                         (for    )
9- It is a week since I heard from you .                                            ( for  )
10-I haven’t studied English for two days .                                     ( I last)
Correct the verbs in brackets :
1-He just (finish) his work.
2-He (learn) English for six years.
3-He not yet (visit) me.
4-I recently (read) one of Shakespeare's plays.
5-He (be) ill since he (return) from Alexandria.
6-The gardener already (water) the flowers.
7-His health (improve) since he (go) to the hospital.
8-Egypt (make) great progress in agriculture and industry.
9-Though the boy (be) seven years old, he not yet (learn) to read.
10-I not (speak) to him since last Tuesday.

مخطط انسيابي: محطة طرفية: The Past Continuous Tense

The Past Continuous Tense
  Form:     was  -were   +    verb +    ing
        I                                                        We                                                              
        She                               was               You                                          were
        It                                                      They
  Singular                                                  plural
يعبر ان حدث بدأ في الماضي واستمر لفترة زمنية معينة وانتهى في الماضي .                                     
                                        Past                                                                         future
Yesterday , I was playing football from 3 to 5 .
Last night ,they were watching T.V. from 8to 10.
يستخدم للتعبير عن حدثين  أحدهما كان مستمرا في الماضي ولكن قطعه حدث آخر.
 Past                                                                        now                                    future                                                                                                                                  
    While  -As                  was- were + v. +ing   ,                     past simple
  Past simple                          while –as                   was- were + v. + ing    
When               past simple                  was / were + v. + ing
Was /were +v. + ing                  when              past simple       
1-While I was doing my homework last night ,I broke my pen.
2-He saw a strange car accident while he was walking in the street .
3-They found a treasure while they were digging a well .
4While we were waiting for the bus , he came running .
ملحوظة :-  اذا لم يستخدم في الجملة فاعل بعد while /when   يكون الفعل بعدهما من verb + ing
While doing my homework last night ,I broke my pen.
They found a treasure while  digging a well .
*** Correct the verb:
1-While he ( run ) , he fell down .
2-While I ( watch) the programme , the T.V. broke down.
3-While I ( read) a newspaper ,I heard a strange noise .
4-The phone ( ring ) while  I ( have ) a shower .
5-He  (lose) his keys while he (play ).
6-While we ( sleep ) , a man knocked the door .
7-My brother ( phone) while I ( work ) in the garage .
8- As I( walk) down the street , I (meet) Nadia .
9- While we ( have ) a party , the lights went off .
10-The telephone (ring ) while I (go ) out of the house .
11- I read a book when he (come ) in .
12- As I (work) a man (knock) at my door.
13-While my servant (carry) my bag, he (drop) it and ) hurt) his foot.
14- After stealing the money, the thief (jump) into a tram which (run) very quickly.
15-The drowning boy(cry)for help while I (walk) by the river.
16- Last night somebody (shout) while I (study) my lessons.
17- The aeroplane (fly) quickly when it suddenly (catch) fire.
18-The pupils (read) when the headmaster (enter) the class.
19-While the policeman (sleep) the prisoner (escape(
20-I (see) him as I (drive) to the station.
21-What you (do) last night when I (meet) you ?
Choose the right answer :
1-While it (rained   - was raining  - has rained – rains )  , my clothes became wet
2-While we (were watching-was watching–watched)television ,our father came home
3-While he was eating , an insect(fell - fall – felt was falling )  into the plate .
4-While he was travelling , he (becomes -became –becoming- was becoming )  ill.
5- He (was climbing-had climbed- climbed- is climbing) the ladder when he suddenly fell down .
6-What were you doing when I(phoned-would phone–had phoned-phoning)last night
7- While I ( went – am going–was going-had gone ) home ,I met a friend.
8- While we were sitting in the garden , a storm ( (had broken – broken – broke – breaking )out .
9-When the news (come – had come – came – coming ), we were playing cards .
10- When the teacher entered the class , pupils ( made – are making – were making – have made ) a lot of noise .
11-While I (was sleeping – slept – had slept – sleep ) , she opened the window .
12- The train left while he (ran–has run – is running-was running)down the platform .  
13-I (have, was having, had) breakfast when the telephone (ring, rang, was ringing(
14-The light (go out, went out, was going out; while I (was- having, had, have) tea.
15-What (was the pupil doing, did the pupil do, does the pupil do) when the teacher (enters, entered, had entered) the class ?
16-Yesterday you (look, looked, were looking) ill, I (be, am, was) glad that you (look, are looking, looked) better today.
17-As I (came, was coming, come) to-school this morning I)  see, saw, had seen) a car (run, was running, ran) into a bus.
18-Nabil (did, does, was doing) his work while the other boys (played, playing, were playing) football.
19-He (gets, got, was getting) off the train as it (was going, went, goes(
20-He (lived, was living, lives) in England when the war(begins, began, was beginning
 21-When the phone bell (ring, rang, was ringing) I (work-was working, worked) in the garden.
22-The man (falls down, tell down, was falling down) as he ) runs, ran, was running) for the bus.
C: Rewrite the using the words in brackets to give the same meaning:
1-We were having supper and suddenly the bell rang .                (while )
2-He was walking in the street when he me this old friend .       (As )
3-I was doing my homework and the light out suddenly .          ( when )
4-Cooking lunch ,she cut her finger .                                          (while )
5-Travelling abroad ,he felt ill .                                                   (when )
6-Waiting at the bus stop ,we saw Faisal.                                    (As)
7-Crossing the street without looking ,a car hit him .                  (while )
8-During his sleep last night , someone broke into his house .    (While )
9-The tourist saw many places during his visit to Egypt .          ( While )
10- During his walk on the sea , Ali saw a very big whale .       (when )
مخطط انسيابي: محطة طرفية: The Past perfect Tense*************************************

يستخدم الماضي التام للتعبير عن حدث وقع في الماضي البعيد                                                                            past             X                               1                                  future
 Form   :                                    
                              had +  P.P.(past participle)                                                                                
 Prophet Ibrahim had built the Ka’aba  .
The Pharaohs had invented astrology .
The Romans had fought the Muslims .
  ويستخدم أيضا إذا كان هناك حدثين حدثا في الماضي ...ووقع أحدهما قبل الآخر
              Past          x            x          1                          Future
 و هنا يستخدم مع الكلمات الآتية :
Before – after – when  - as soon as   - by the time  - till  - until


 We had prepared the food before the guests arrived .
  Before he went out ,she had turned off all lights .
 Before I answered the question ,I had studied the lesson .
I had written the letter before I posted it .
By the time , I went to the cinema , the film had started .
By the time he went to bed , he had done his homework

When I arrived to the work shop , they had mended the car .( It was ready)
When the doctor arrived , the patient had died .
لاحظ الجمل الآتية :
When I was young , I used to play a lot .              الحدثين حدثا في نفس الوقت
When I came , he left .                                          في الماضي             

  Yesterday ,I watched the match after I had done my H.W .
She cooked lunch after she had cleaned the house .
Yesterday, after he had eaten breakfast ,he went to school .
After they had eaten they thanked their host .
He left the factory after he had finished work .


As soon as he had left , he was asked to come back .
As soon as I had done my homework , I watched TV .
Didn’t + المصدر              until/ till                   had+ p.p.
Had + p.p.             until / till                 didn’t + المصدر
                                                                                                     till-until في حالة استخدام
                                                                                                     لا بد أن يسبقها نفي
 He didn’t go to bed until , he had done homework .
I didn’t answer the questions until I had read them carefully .
No sooner+had +subject +p.p. +than + s.+ past simple لم يكد..... حتى أن Hardly/scarcely  +had+ subject +p.p. + when +s. +past simple


No sooner had he returned than he was asked to travel again .
Hardly/scarcely had he returned when he was asked to travel again .
No sooner had he finished studying than he started again .
Hardly had he finished studying , when he started again .
 Rewrite the using the words in brackets to give the same meaning:
1-The president made a speech and then he left the company .                 ( until )
2-Walking for an hour, he realized he took the wrong way .                    (After )
3-After he had written homework , he watched TV .                               (before )
4-The train left then he arrived to the station .                                          ( by the time )
5-I visited my uncle ,before that I went shopping .                                  ( When )      
6-The film started then I went to the cinema .                                          (when)
7-First he read the book, then he wrote a report.                                      (After)
8-First he read the book, then he wrote a report.                                      (After(
9-He ate meat but then he fell ill.                                                              (When(
10-I went out for a walk, but first I did my homework,                            (before(
11-I met him, then I knew everything .                                                 ( as soon as )
12-First he collected the parcel, and then he realized it was the wrong one  (When )                                   
13-After he had made a plan, he discussed it with his friends.                       ( until (
14-I went for a swim when I had finished my work.                                    (I didn't)
15-She didn't type the letter until the manager had signed it.                      ( after(
16-I left the house and then the rain started .                                       ( before(
17-After the tailor had taken my measurements he cut the material   )       Having  )
18-When the doctor arrived the patient had already died.                             ( before)
19-Having watched TV, I went to bed.                                                          ( After)
20-He enjoyed the food as soon as he tasted it.                                              ( until(
21-He told me his name and then he left.                                                       (when )
22-They didn't return home until they had seen the whole country    .   (after / before )
23-It stopped raining and immediately the match started,                       (as soon as)
24-was very sorry to know that he was injured in a car accident.             (when )
Correct the following  verbs:
1-Class (begin) already by the time I (get) there , so I(take quietly) a seat to the back
2-His fingers (begin) to bleed as soon as he cut himself .
3- He (lose )his new knife shortly after he ( buy) it .
4-He ( begin) to read as soon as he ( find ) a place .
5- It (rain )for half an hour when he stepped out 
6-They were not able to make the pudding until they (buy) rice .

مخطط انسيابي: محطة طرفية: the future

يمكن التعبير عن المستقبل بالطرق الآتية
1- will + infinitive المصدر  
 we shall go home .
I shall visit my uncle tomorrow .
They will visit Ali next week .
You’ll come early tomorrow .
Planned and near future
Am/ is / are + going to + infinitive المصدر
I am going to build a house next month .
They are going to buy a new car
It is going to rain .

Planned and near futureالمستقبل المخطط لحدوثه                                                                                   
Am / is are + verb + ing
I am flying to London next week .
They are playing football next Friday .
He is doing homework in two hours .
Key words
Next + time :-   next week , month , year , summer , ……
In + time :   in 2 weeks , in 20 minutes
Correct the following verbs :-
1-Why he (go) to the market tomorrow ?            
2-He (leave) for London tomorrow .
3- We (have ) a holiday next week .
4-The grocer  البقال  (send) us the goods we (want) for the next week.
6-I (post) these letters tonight.
7-When he (come) I ( be) glad to see him.
8-I (stay) at home till the rain (stop(
9-Where you (go) for your holidays this year ?
10-If the tram (stop) at Giza, I (get) out there.
Choose the correct words from those between brackets :
1-He (shall, will) finish his work before he (goes, go(
2-I (shall, will) not write till I (will buy, shall buy, buy) a pen.
3-I hope I (pass, shall pass, will pass) the examination next month.
4-He promised that he (will, would) pay me tomorrow.
5-Next month I (am, will be, shall be) twenty