موضوعات المدونة الإلكترونية

الثلاثاء، 1 أغسطس 2017

الشيخ الشحات محمد أنور سورة النجم والقمر جودة عالية رائعة من روائع التلاوات

قصة كفاح وراء عيادات مستشفى الجمعية الشرعية كفر طنبول الجديد

الشيخ الشحات محمد أنور سورة البقره ربع إن تبدوا الصدقات الزقازيق 1989

الشيخ محمود الشحات ختام عزبة الحلو 2014

الشيخ الشحات محمد أنور مسجد الحسين سورة فاطر فجر روعه بجودة صوت ممتازه

الكبير كبير الشيخ راغب غلوش عزاء المغفور له بإذن الله الحاج محمد رشدي ذكي

صلاة العشاء من مسجد فودة الشيخ هاني صبري الموافي

الاثنين، 19 يونيو 2017

ابتهالات الشيخ عبداللطيف العزب وهدان كفر طنبول الجديد يوم تكريم حفظة كتا...

ابتهالات الشيخ عبداللطيف العزب وهدان كفر طنبول الجديد يوم تكريم حفظة كتا...

ابتهالات الشيخ عبداللطيف العزب وهدان كفر طنبول الجديد يوم تكريم حفظة كتا...

صلاة العشاء والتراويح كفر طنبول الجديد يوم تكريم حفظة كتاب الله

كفر طنبول الجديد تكريم حفظة القرآن الكريم تحت رعاية رابطة شباب القرية

الجمعة، 9 يونيو 2017


مخطط انسيابي: محطة طرفية: The Present Simple Tense

Formation :
                 I  - we  - you  - they  - plural nouns           infinitive ( base form)  المصدر  
                   He   - she  - it   - singular nouns                 infinitive + s
Birds fly high .                                                  They play football at noon .
A bird flies high                                                 He plays football at noon .
 The sun rises in the east .                                   Stars radiate light . 

**إذا انتهى الفعل بحرف s-sh-ch-x-o   نضيف  es
Passes -   crosses -    watches -  reaches -   washes -   fixes-   mixes – goes – does

**أما إذا انتهى الفعل بحرف y   مسبوقة بحرف ساكن  نحذفها ونضيف ies  
Study          studies              carry           carries                   marry              marries
            أما إذا انتهى الفعل بحرف y   مسبوقة بحرف متحرك نضيف  s    فقط
Plays                      stays                    delays                  enjoys

Uses : استخدامه
 1-To express habits and routine actions .العادات والأحداث الروتينية المتكررة            
I go to school everyday .
He gets up at 7:00 o’clock .
Mona spends the Summer in Alexandria .
2- to express facts  الحقائق      
The earth orbits the sun .
Sugar dissolves in water .
It gets hot in summer .
يستخدم المضارع البسيط بعد الكلمات : when-until-till-if-unless     ليعبر عن المستقبل
I shall stay until he gets back .
When he arrives , I’ll tell him about it .
Key words :
                      Every + time         day  - week -  month -  year – summer –winter
توضع الكلمات الآتية قبل الفعل الأساسي وبعد v. to be (am  - is  -  are )
Always دائما   - usually  عادة   - sometimes أحيانا   - often  غالبا   -rarely   =scarcely  نادرا  Frequently مرارا  - ever ….? هل سبق أن -  never    مطلقا أبدا

شكل بيضاوي: Negation : النفي

                   I   -We   -  You   - They - plural                      do not + infinitive  المصدر   
                  He   -  She   -  It  - singular                               does not + infinitive
I speak English well .                           I do not speak English well .    
My friend swims very fast .                  My friend does not swim very fast .
عند استخدام كلمة never   في النفي  لا نغير الفعل بعدها
I always do my homework at night .                       I never do my homework at night . 
She usually comes late .                                           She never  comes late .
شكل بيضاوي: Questions :السؤال 

My friend is always in a hurry .                                My friend is never  in a hurry .                                            

عند السؤال نستخدم  do-does   كفعل مساعد  لبدء السؤال أو بعد كلمة الاستفهام
 I work in Cairo .
·       Do you work in Cairo ?
·       Where do you work ?
The doctor examines patients .
           *Does the doctor examines patients ?
           *Who does the doctor examine ?
           *Who examines patients ?
correct the following verbs :
1-A horse  (have) four legs .                    
2-When the sun (shine) , we feel warm .       ………………………………………
3-I shall wait until he ( come ).                      ………………………………………
4-She ( visit ) her uncle every week .            ………………………………………
5- Butchers (sell )meat .                                 ………………………………………
6- Cats ( eat ) mice .                                      ………………………………………
7-what she (do )in the evening ? She usually (study ) her lessons or listens to music .
8- You always( write) with your left hand .
9- He always (say) that he will mend the window but he never ( do ) it .
10- Mary usually (learn ) languages very quickly but she (not seem ) able to learn French .
He always (borrow )from me and never( remember) to pay back .
B: Put the following verbs in negative and interrogativeالاستفهام  
1- He teaches English .                         ……………………………………………
2-They speak a little English .               ……………………………………………
3-He works at a workshop .                  ……………………………………………
4-The men drive very fast .                   …………………………………………
5-It costs a lot of money.                       ……………………………………………
Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- He plays football in the club .     (usually)………………………………………
2-He is clever.                                  (always)………………………………………
3-He plays football well .                    ( no)…………………………………………
4-He is doing homework now .          ( usually) …………………………………
5-they go to school everyday .            (He )    ……………………………………
6-He studies everyday .                       ( Does )……………………………………
7-Hany does not do his homework.     (never)……………………………………
8-He usually plays football .                (Every Friday) ……………………………
9- the director never comes late .          ( is )           …………………………………
10- My friends study their lessons .     ( My friend)……………………………………
Choose the correct answer from a , b , c , or d :
1- I ……………..TV for two hours everyday .
a- watched               b- am watching              c- have watched           d- watch
2-I won’t leave until he ……………….  .
a-come                      b- came                  comes                   d- has come
3-What time ………….you usually have lunch ?
a-did                         b-do                        c- are                      d- will
4-My father ………….goes to bed early .
a- doesn’t                  b- didn’t                 c- never                  d-isn’t
5-……………..you ever get up late ?
a- Do                         b-Are                     c-Have                    d- Did
6-We always …………….to save energy .
7- We will work until you …………back  .
a-come                  b- came                 c- comes                   d- has come
8-He generally………….to my office .
a- a-come              b- came                  c-comes                   d- has come
9- They’ll return to Cairo after the conference ……………………. .
a- finish                 b- finishes              c- has finished           d-  will finish
10-She ……………. Her husband’s birthday .
a-is not forgotten        b- isn’t always forgotten       c- never forgets
11-When he…………. , he will stay with us .
a- will come          b- came                  comes                   d- has come
12- He …………..late for work .
a- usually is          b- does usually          c- has usually       d- is usually
14- Where ………. He live ?
a- does                  b- did                        c-has                  d- is
15- I’ll go to bed as soon as I …………….my homework .
a-finish                 b- finished                   c- has finished              d- will finish
16-They (have, had) plenty of time to get the work (do- did-  done(
17-We (go, gone, went) out in the rain and (get- got) very wet.
18- I wish I (am, were) a famous writer.
19-When I (be, was, were) young, I (go-  went-had gone(  to bed early.

مخطط انسيابي: محطة طرفية: The Past Simple Tense 

  يستخدم الماضي البسيط للتعبير عن فعل حدث في الماضي .
Formation :
                  1-   Verb+ed ( regular verbs )   الأفعال غير الشاذة

watched        visited         started          helped         cleaned          cooked

lived          received       smiled         believed                 liked       

studied        carried         married           denied                 tried                           
2-The second form ( regular  verbs)التصريف الثاني  

 go-----    went            see -----saw          fly ------flew         

  buy --- -bought          catch ----caught           choose -------chose

Key words علاماته
   الماضي  Last+ time ---------week—month –year ---summer ---winter  
Yesterday     أمس  --ago             منذ    -in the past-   في الماضي once  ذات مرة
My friend flew to London two month ago .
They built the house four years ago .
Ali sent me a letter last week .
I gave him my book last night .
Cavemen felt safer in caves .
Yesterday , T.V. announced Diana’s engagement .
Shakespeare lived in the 16th century .
   Did not + infinitiveعند النفي: نستخدم 
Cavemen did not have furniture .
My father did not mend the bike yesterday .
I did not write a letter last week .
Last month ,he didn’t fly to Paris .
                                            Questions .
  Did Youssef write to his friend last week  ?                                 
No ,he didn’t .
Did she make that cake herself  ? .                                    
Yes, she  did  .
When did Islam reach China  ?                                         
It reached after ----------
When did the patient feel all the pain  ?                            
H e felt it  yesterday
Some one +used to + infinitive
تعبر عن حدث كان يحدث في الماضي و لكنه توقف عن الحدوث الآن
I used to smoke  cigarettes but now I don’t .
In the past , People used to travel by camels .
We didn’t use to play computer games .                       did not  + use to + infinitive
Someone +be used to + verb + ing
تعبر عن حدث معتاد على فعله الآن
I am used to going to bed late .
They are used to playing football on Fridays .